
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnDirEntryItems(value)

Bases: Enum

The items to fetch with the SVN Dir entry.

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

None = 0

None of the dir entries.

Kind = 1

The SvnNodeKind.

Size = 2

The file size on the server.

HasProperties = 4

Whether the entry has properties.

Revision = 8

The last changed revision.

Time = 16

The time of the last change.

SvnListDefault = 17

The default entries to fetch for svn list.

LastAuthor = 32

The last author which committed to the file.

AllFieldsV15 = 63

All fields known to SVN version 1.5.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnNotifyAction(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Add = 0
Copy = 1
Delete = 2
Restore = 3
Revert = 4
RevertFailed = 5
Resolved = 6
Skip = 7
UpdateDelete = 8
UpdateAdd = 9
UpdateUpdate = 10
UpdateCompleted = 11
UpdateExternal = 12
StatusCompleted = 13
StatusExternal = 14
CommitModified = 15
CommitAdded = 16
CommitDeleted = 17
CommitReplaced = 18
CommitSendData = 19
BlameRevision = 20
LockLocked = 21
LockUnlocked = 22
LockFailedLock = 23
LockFailedUnlock = 24
Exists = 25
ChangelistSet = 26
ChangelistClear = 27
ChangelistMoved = 28
MergeBegin = 29
MergeBeginForeign = 30
UpdateReplace = 31
PropertyAdded = 32
PropertyModified = 33
PropertyDeleted = 34
PropertyDeletedNonExistent = 35
RevisionPropertySet = 36
RevisionPropertyDeleted = 37
MergeCompleted = 38
TreeConflict = 39
ExternalFailed = 40
UpdateStarted = 41
UpdateSkipObstruction = 42

An update tried to add a file or directory at a path where a separate working copy was found

UpdateSkipWorkingOnly = 43

An explicit update tried to update a file or directory that doesn’t live in the repository and can’t be brought in.

UpdateSkipAccessDenied = 44

An update tried to update a file or directory to which access could not be obtained.

UpdateExternalRemoved = 45

An update operation removed an external working copy.

UpdateShadowedAdd = 46

A node below an existing node was added during update.

UpdateShadowedUpdate = 47

A node below an exising node was updated during update.

UpdateShadowedDelete = 48

A node below an existing node was deleted during update.

RecordMergeInfo = 49

The mergeinfo on path was updated.

UpgradedDirectory = 50

An working copy directory was upgraded to the latest format.

RecordMergeInfoStarted = 51

Mergeinfo describing a merge was recorded.

RecordMergeInfoElided = 52

Mergeinfo was removed due to elision.

PatchApplied = 53

A file in the working copy was patched.

PatchAppliedHunk = 54

A hunk from a patch was applied.

PatchRejectedHunk = 55

A hunk from a patch was rejected.

PatchFoundAlreadyApplied = 56

A hunk from a patch was found to already be applied.

CommitAddCopy = 57

Committing a non-overwriting copy (path is the target of the copy, not the source).

CommitReplacedWithCopy = 58

Committing an overwriting (replace) copy (path is the target of the copy, not the source).

FollowUrlRedirect = 59

The server has instructed the client to follow a URL redirection.

NonExistentPath = 60

The operation was attempted on a path which doesn’t exist.

Excluded = 61

Removing a path by excluding it.

FailedConflict = 62

Operation failed because the node remains in conflict

FailedMissing = 63

Operation failed because an added node is missing

FailedOutOfDate = 64

Operation failed because a node is out of date

FailedNoParent = 65

Operation failed because an added parent is not selected

FailedLocked = 66

Operation failed because a node is locked by another user and/or working copy

FailedForbiddenByServer = 67

Operation failed because the operation was forbidden by the server

SkipConflicted = 68

The operation skipped the path because it was conflicted.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnNotifyState(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

None = 0
Unkown = 1
Unchanged = 2
Missing = 3
Obstructed = 4
Changed = 5
Merged = 6
Conflicted = 7
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnLockState(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

None = 0
Unknown = 1
Unchanged = 2
Locked = 3
Unlocked = 4
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnCommandType(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Unknown = 0
Add = 1
AddToChangeList = 2
Blame = 3
CheckOut = 4
CleanUp = 5
Commit = 6
Copy = 7
CreateDirectory = 8
Delete = 9
Diff = 10
DiffMerge = 11
DiffSummary = 12
Export = 13
GetAppliedMergeInfo = 14
GetProperty = 15
GetRevisionProperty = 16
GetSuggestedMergeSources = 17
Import = 18
Info = 19
List = 20
ListChangeList = 21
Lock = 22
Log = 23
Merge = 24
MergesEligible = 25
MergesMerged = 26
Move = 27
PropertyList = 28
ReintegrationMerge = 29
Relocate = 30
RemoveFromChangeList = 31
Resolved = 32
Revert = 33
RevisionPropertyList = 34
SetProperty = 35
SetRevisionProperty = 36
Status = 37
Switch = 38
Unlock = 39
Update = 40
Write = 41
Upgrade = 42
Patch = 43
CropWorkingCopy = 1281
GetWorkingCopyInfo = 4097
GetWorkingCopyVersion = 4098
GetWorkingCopyEntries = 4099
FileVersions = 8193
ReplayRevision = 8194
WriteRelated = 8195
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnStatus(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Zero = 0
None = 1
NotVersioned = 2
Normal = 3
Added = 4
Missing = 5
Deleted = 6
Replaced = 7
Modified = 8
Merged = 9
Conflicted = 10
Ignored = 11
Obstructed = 12
External = 13
Incomplete = 14
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnSchedule(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Normal = 0
Add = 1
Delete = 2
Replace = 3
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnOperation(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

None = 0
Update = 1
Switch = 2
Merge = 3
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictAction(value)

Bases: Enum

The type of incoming operation which caused the conflict.

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Edit = 0
Add = 1
Delete = 2
Replace = 3
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictReason(value)

Bases: Enum

The local state of the object which caused the conflict to appear.

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Edited = 0

Local edits are already present.

Obstructed = 1

Another object is in the way

Deleted = 2

Object is already schedule-delete

Missing = 3

Object is unknown or missing

NotVersioned = 4

Object is unversioned

Added = 5

Object is already added or schedule-add.

Replaced = 6

Object is already replaced.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictType(value)

Bases: Enum

The Type of the conflict.

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Content = 0

Content conflict (the actual IObject or some file-based metadata like the profile information.

Property = 1

Property conflict (Some IObjectProperty or some SVN internal property or some plain SVN property entered by the user).

TreeConflict = 2

Tree conflict (most probably on a directory).

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnResolution(value)

Bases: Enum

The resolution of the conflict.

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

UseTheirs = 1

Use “their” revision (e. G. working copy base revision after update)

UseMine = 2

Use “my” version of the object.

Merged = 3

Mark the object as merged, by using the “working” version of the object.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnRevisionType(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

None = 0
Number = 1
Time = 2
Committed = 3
Previous = 4
Base = 5
Working = 6
Head = 7
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnChangeAction(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

None = 0
Add = 65
Delete = 68
Modify = 77
Replace = 82
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnAuthenticationType(value)

Bases: Enum

Svn Authentication types.

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Username = 0

Queries for an username.

UsernamePassword = 1

Queries for an username and a password.

SslClientCertificate = 2

Queries for an SSL client certificate file.

SslClientCertificatePassword = 3

Queries for the passphrase of an SSL client certificate.

SslServerTrust = 4

Queries for Trust on the SSL server certificate.

SshServerTrust = 5

Queries for trust on SSH server key fingerprints.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnDiffKind(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Normal = 0
Added = 1
Modified = 2
Deleted = 3
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnDepth(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

Unknown = -2
Exclude = -1
Empty = 0
Files = 1
Children = 2
Infinity = 3
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnNodeKind(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended with future SVN versions.

None = 0
File = 1
Directory = 2
Unknown = 3
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnObjectRevisionMode(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum will be extended in the future to allow a more fine-grained control about how the temporary projects are built in ISvnProjectServices.GetObjectAtRevision and ISvnProjectServices.GetObjectAtRevision.

Automatic = 0

The default mode. Do whatever the Subversion plugin thinks is best for this type.

This is currently equivalent to SubTreeAndParents, but may change to some more advanced, possibly object specific heuristics in the future.

SubTreeAndParents = 1

This clones the object including the complete tree of children and all parents up to the top level without siblings.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnMergeFlags(value)

Bases: Enum

Flags for merge operations. This enum may be extended in future versions.

None = 0

Sentinel value for no defined flags.

DryRun = 1

Only simulate the merge without really changing the working copy.

Force = 2

Force the operation. (Use with care!)

RecordOnly = 4

Only the MergeInfo is updated, without actually changing the contents.

IgnoreAncestry = 8

Ignore the ancestry (allows merging of unrelated branches.)

AllowMixedRevisions = 16

Allows merges into a mixed revision working copy. (Use with care!)

ReIntegrate = 32

Obsolete. Used to perform reintegrate merges in older SVN versions, could not be combined with DryRun, RecordOnly, IgnoreAncestry or AllowMixedRevisions. Currently this flag is still supported in the code via AP API, but support may be dropped in the future by just ignoring the flag.

This option may get obsolete with the “symmetric merge” work done in svn 1.8 or later.

[Obsolete(“This is depcrecated since SVN 1.8, the SVN libs now figure out on their own which type of merge to use.”)]

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnCertificateTrustFailures(value)

Bases: Enum

SSL Certification failure flags.

This enum may be updated in future versions if SVN/SharpSVN updates.

None = 0

No failure flag set.

CertificateNotValidYet = 1


CertificateExpired = 2


CommonNameMismatch = 4


UnknownCertificateAuthority = 8


UnknownSslProviderFailure = 1073741824

SVN_AUTH_SSL_OTHER = 0x4000_0000

MaskAllFailures = 1073741839

Mask for all failures. This value may be updated in future versions.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnSshServerKeyType(value)

Bases: Enum

The ssh server key type (new since / SharpSVN 1.9)

None = 0

Value not set / unknown.

Rsa = 1

The key type for RSA algorithm.

Dss = 2

The key type for DSS algorithm.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnSshTrustFailures(value)

Bases: Enum

The failures of an Ssh server (new since / SharpSVN 1.9)

None = 0

No or unknown failures.

UnknownServerKey = 1

The server key is not known to the client.

ServerKeyMismatch = 2

The server key does not match the known one.

MaskAllFailures = 3

The mask for all failures

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnArchiveEventType(value)

Bases: Enum

Type definitions for SvnArchiverEventArgs

DataSkipped = 1

Data was skipped during the serialization.

Warning = 2

A serialization warning happened.

Error = 3

A serialization error happened.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnArchiveErrorReaction(value)

Bases: Enum

Possible reactions to a profile change event.

None = 0

Default value.

Disconnect = 1

Disconnect the project from subersion.

RevertToLastSaved = 2

Revert the project to the last saved state.

CloseProject = 3

Close the project.

DisableSvn = 4

Disables SVN for the current project, but retains the existing SVN connection as it was in the last saved state.

Ignore = 5

Ignore the errors, and skip the problematic objects.

Abort = 6

Rollback of the current operation.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnAutoLockingMode(value)

Bases: Enum

Controls how the Subversion plugin handles the automatic SVN Lock acquisition of objects on modification when we’re in online mode. This enum may be extended in future versions.

Default = 0

If this value is set in the project specific settings, fall back to the global settings. In the global settings, use the internal default, whichever it is.

Always = 1

Always auto-lock. This was the default Behaviour before V3.5 SP2.

Smart = 2

Only auto-lock those objects which don’t have a matching Object3WayMerger (and - if needed - EmbeddedObject3WayMerger and ObjectProperty3WayMerger) implementation. An EmbeddedDiffViewerFactory is not required, as there may be objects or properties which can always be resolved.

Never = 3

Never auto-lock.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictResolutionMode(value)

Bases: Enum

Controls how Subversion handles conflicts (whenever an Update / Switch / Merge operation brings in changes on a locally modified object).

Default = 0

If this value is set in the project specific settings, fall back to the global settings. In the global settings, use the internal default, whichever it is.

MarkSilently = 1

All conflicts are to be resolved manually. This was the default behaviour before V3.5 SP2.

MergeSilently = 2

Automatically try to merge changes after the update/merge/switch operation, only leave the unmergeable changes (real conflicts or when no merger is available) to be resolved.

MergeAndQuery = 3

Automatically merge the mergeable changes, and query the user for the remaining ones.

QueryAlways = 4

Always query the user after each operation which created new conflicts.

Manual = 5

We’re searching for manual resolvers for the context menu.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictUseMarkerMode(value)

Bases: Enum

Default = 0

If this value is set in the project specific settings, fall back to the global settings. In the global settings, use the internal default, whichever it is.

Yes = 1

If there are conflicts in the file which cannot be merged automatically, place conflict markers inside the object, and still mark the object as merged.

No = 2

If there are conflicts in the file which cannot be merged automatically, leave the object marked as conflict.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictSolutionResult(value)

Bases: Enum

Solved = 1

The conflict was successfully solved.

Nothing = 2

No progress was actually made. Only return this if you did not touch any objects.

Partial = 3

Some progress was made, but some remains.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnItemType(value)

Bases: Enum

Item type of SVN objects.

This enum may be extended in future versions.

Unknown = 1

An unknown item - this may be some artifact file or directory which is in the working copy, but not recognized by the CODESYS SVN Plugin.

ObjectData = 2

An IObject serialized into the working copy.

ObjectDirectory = 3

A directory for an IObject serialized into the working copy.

RootDir = 4

The working copy root directory.

ProfileData = 5

The file saving the profile information.

ExternalDirectory = 6

An additional status entry for an external object directory, which is created by SVN when getting the status for a higher directory recursively.

ObjectSynthesized = 7

An Object ID for a “normal” object in the project, like a POU or Device.

Those object IDs may be associated with synthesized Svn Status infos which are combined out of the ObjectData, ObjectDirectory and ExternalDirectory status infos.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnObjectIdAnchorType(value)

Bases: Enum

Defines the “anchor” type of an SVN Object ID.

Location = 1

This object ID is defined by the path within the working copy.

The project root has both Location and Guid flags set.

Node = 2

This object ID is defined by the PSNode / Guid of the object. This node may be an remote node.

The project root has both Location and Guid flags set.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnGetStatusFlags(value)

Bases: Enum

Flags we can pass to GetStatus.

None = 0

No flag set.

RetrieveAllEntries = 1

If this flag is not given, only “interesting” entries (according to the definition of SVN) are retrieved, e. G. modified, deleted or locked nodes.

CheckRepository = 2

If this flag is given, the repository is checked (does not work in offline mode).

This sets some of the “RemoteXXX” members of SvnStatusInfo

SynthesizeObjectEntries = 4

Synthesize artificial status entries for CODESYS objects.

Combines the status entries for CODESYS objects (directory, svnobj-file and, if present, external) into a combined status entry. This resembles the behaviour of the ``ISvnProjectServices.GetStatus(ISvnObjectId, bool, SvnDepth, bool, IEnumerable{string}, ISvnReporter) or GetStatus(ISvnObjectId, bool, bool, bool, IEnumerable{string}, ISvnReporter) overloads.

KeepOriginalEntriesIfSynthesizing = 8

Deliver the raw status infos even for synthesized status infos.

By default, specifying the SynthesizeObjectEntries flag suppresses the delivery of the raw entries which were combined into the synthesized entry. However, when specifying this flag, the raw entries are also delivered in addition to the synthesized entries. This flag is ignored when SynthesizeObjectEntries is not specified.

ConsiderExternalStatusIfSynthesizing = 32
If this flag is present, don’t throw an exception for a non-existing path,

but just return an empty result list. IgnoreNonExisting = 1 << 4

If this flag is set along with SynthesizeObjectEntries, the status entries will provide combined content status, that takes into account if the entry an belongs to an external localtion or not. This might conceal other information like if the entry has the status added, deleted, modified.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnNameCollisionReaction(value)

Bases: Enum

How to react on the SvnNameCollisionUserQueryEventArgs.

The following objects could not be added because an object with the same name already exists. However, the colliding objects are already deleted in the repository.

DoNothing = 0

Do nothing, leave the colliding objects as they are.

UpdateOnlyAffectedObjects = 1

Update only the colliding objects to remove them and resolve the collisions.

UpdateWholeProject = 2

Update the whole project to remove the colliding objects and resolve the collisions.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnOfflineModeReaction(value)

Bases: Enum

An enum describing the reactions when we need to contact the repository, but we’re in offline mode.

SkipOperation = 1

Do nothing - skip the action.

IgnoreOnce = 2

Ignore the offline mode once and contact the server, but stay in offline mode.

GoOnline = 4

Leave the offline mode and go online.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnCheckoutFlags(value)

Bases: Enum

Flags to customize the checkout behaviour.

ForceAsLibrary = 1

Force the Checkout as a library. The project filename extension will be changed to be .library.

If neither ForceAsLibrary nor ForceAsProject are given, the SVN plugin will try to autodetect whether it’s a library or project. This autodetection is currently based on whether the URL ends with .library or _library, but may be enhanced in the future. ForceAsLibrary and ForceAsProject are mutually exclusive.

ForceAsProject = 2

Force the Checkout as a normal project. The project filename extension will not be changed from what the Engine sets.

If neither ForceAsLibrary nor ForceAsProject are given, the SVN plugin will try to autodetect whether it’s a library or project. This autodetection is currently based on whether the URL ends with .library or _library, but may be enhanced in the future. ForceAsLibrary and ForceAsProject are mutually exclusive.

ForceAddMultipleObjects = 4

Forces the checkout to use the ProjectStructure4.AddMultipleObjects{TVirtualPSNode} interface instead of the IProjectSource based one.

If neither the ForceAddMultipleObjects nor the ForceProjectSource flag are given, the CODESYS SVN Plugin will use ProjectSource if available, and fall back to the IProjectStructure4.AddMultipleObjects{TVirtualPSNode} Interface on older versions (V3.5 SP3). ForceAddMultipleObjects and ForceProjectSource are mutually exclusive.

We reserve the right to obsolete, deprecate and remove this mechanism in the future.

ForceProjectSource = 8

Forces the checkout to use the IProjectSource mechanism. The Checkout will fail on versions which don’t provide this interface (like V3.5 SP3).

If neither the ForceAddMultipleObjects nor the ForceProjectSource flag are given, the CODESYS SVN Plugin will use IProjectSource if available, and fall back to the IProjectStructure4.AddMultipleObjects{TVirtualPSNode} Interface on older versions (V3.5 SP3). ForceAddMultipleObjects and ForceProjectSource are mutually exclusive.

Unmodifiable = 16

Creates the new project as an unmodifiable project..

This works by blocking the appropriate Object Manager events. Thus, when using the IProjectStructure4.AddMultipleObjects{TVirtualPSNode} interface, there’s a small time window during the checkout where objects could actually be modified.

OptimizeForTempProject = 32

Optimize the project to be a temporary project which will not be saved.

This flag is not set by default, and it will be silently ignored when the IProjectStructure4.AddMultipleObjects{TVirtualPSNode} mechanism is used. When using the IProjectSource mechanism, it sets the ProjectSourceFlags.Temporary flags.

OptimizeForPersistentProject = 64

Optimize the project to be a persistent project which will be saved.

This flag is set by default, and it will be silently ignored when the IProjectStructure4.AddMultipleObjects{TVirtualPSNode} mechanism is used. When using the IProjectSource mechanism, it sets the ProjectSourceFlags.Persistent flags.

SimulateLoadEvents = 128

Prevents the Object Loaded events from being raised.

This flag is set by default, and it will be silently ignored when the IProjectStructure4.AddMultipleObjects{TVirtualPSNode} mechanism is used. When using the IProjectSource mechanism, it sets the ProjectSourceFlags.SimulateLoadEvents flags.

AsBackgroundProject = 256

Checkout the project as a background project.

This flag is not set by default, so the project will be checked out as primary project.

OmitExternals = 512

Whether to omit the externals.

This is not set by default. Using it without precautions can lead to inconsistent projects!

ClearDavCache = 2

Possible reactions when an auto lock fails. This ClearDavCache is set, the caching of DAV information for older mod_dav served repositories is cleared. This clearing invalidates some cached information used for pre-HTTPv2 repositories.

FixTimestamps = 4

If FixTimestamps is set, this function fixes recorded timestamps for unmodified files in the working copy, reducing comparision time on future checks.

IncludeExternals = 8

If IncludeExternals is set, recurse into externals and clean them up as well.

VacuumPristines = 16

If VacuumPristines is set, and @a dir_abspath points to the working copy root (which is always the case when calling ISvnProjectServices11.CleanUp(int, CleanUpFlags, ISvnReporter) unreferenced files in the pristine store are removed.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnAutoLockFailureReaction(value)

Bases: Enum

Possible reactions when an auto lock fails. This enum may be extended in future versions.

None = 0

No setting configured (yet).

UpdateWholeProject = 1

Update the whole project

UpdateAffectedObjects = 2

Update the affected objects

ActivateOfflineMode = 3

Activate the offline mode

DisableProjectLocking = 4

Disable locking in the project settings.

DisableGlobalLocking = 5

The disable locking in the global settings.

StealLock = 6

Try to steal the locks of others.

Ignore = 7

Do nothing special.

class ScriptSvnEnums.AuthenticationDataCacheLocations(value)

Bases: Enum

Locations of the SVN authentication data to clear.

None = 0
OnDisk = 1

The traditional on-disk cache shared with other clients.

RamCache = (2,)

The process-local RAM cache of passwords introduced in V4.0.2.0.

All = (16777215,)

Value to clear all existing locations.

class ScriptSvnEnums.CleanUpFlags(value)

Bases: Enum

Additional flags for the SVN Cleanup operation.

None = 0
BreakLocks = 1

No flags are set / uninitialized variable.

If BreakLocks is given, existing working copy locks at or below @a dir_abspath are broken, otherwise a normal write lock is obtained.

ClearDavCache = 2

If ClearDavCache is set, the caching of DAV information for older mod_dav served repositories is cleared. This clearing invalidates some cached information used for pre-HTTPv2 repositories.

FixTimestamps = 4

If FixTimestamps is set, this function fixes recorded timestamps for unmodified files in the working copy, reducing comparision time on future checks.

IncludeExternals = 8

If IncludeExternals is set, recurse into externals and clean them up as well.

VacuumPristines = 16

If VacuumPristines is set, and @a dir_abspath points to the working copy root (which is always the case when calling SvnProjectServices.CleanUp(int, CleanUpFlags, ISvnReporter), unreferenced files in the pristine store are removed.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnVersionInfoMode(value)

Bases: Enum

Sets the SVN Version Info mode. This enum was intentionally used instead of a simple bool, to faciliate future enhancements which are already planned

see also: SvnProjectServices.ImportProject(int, Uri, string, SvnVersionInfoMode, ISvnReporter) SvnIntegration.DefaultSvnVersionInfoMode SvnProjectConfiguration.VersionInfoMode

None = 0

SVN Version Info generation is disabled.

Default = 65535

The default mode (backwards compatibility): The current set of SVN Version Info is generated as transient objects.

Persist = 65534

The SVN Version Info object is generated, and converted into a persistent object, if the project gets disconnected from SVN.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnStatusFlags(value)

Bases: Enum

This enumeration may be extended in future versions.

None = 0
IsExternal = 1
IsLocked = 2
IsToBeIgnoredOnCommit = 4
HasTreeConflict = 8
FileHasPropertyChanges = 16
DirectoryHasPropertyChanges = 32
FileIsCopied = 64

The file is copied in the local working copy (scheduled for “addition with history”)

DirectoryIsCopied = 128

The directory is copied in the local working copy (scheduled for “addition with history”)

FileHasTreeConflict = 256

The data file has a tree conflict.

DirectoryHasTreeConflict = 512

The directory has a tree conflict.

FileIsReadOnly = 1024

The file is readonly, probably because it has the svn:needs-lock property set.

HasDeletedChildren = 4096
HasExternalChildren = 8192
HasInvisibleChildrenWithConflicts = 16384

The node has children with tree conflicts in the working copy which are not visible in the project tree (e. G. because the objects have been deleted, but the conflict was not marked as resolved yet.)

HasModifiedChildren = 32768

This state is used to propagate some modification flags recursively up the tree, so the user can see that there is something “interesting” in the (probably collapsed) subtree. The exact set of flags which propagates up is currently implementation dependent (as it is meant for user notification), but it is very likely that modifications, additions and deletions will be always amongst them.

IsLockedByOthers = 65536
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnNotificationType(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum may be extended by future svn versions.

RenamedDueToCollision = 1

An object hat to be renamed due to a name collision.

MissingDataFile = 2

The Working Copy is broken.

ExceptionDuringObjectAddition = 3

An exception occured during the addition of an object to the object manager.

ExceptionDuringObjectAdditionEvents = 4

An exception in a hook occured during the addition of an object to the object manager.

ExceptionDuringRevertToRevision = 5

An exception occurred during reverting an object to a revision.

PostCommitError = 6

Error during a post commit hook.

ProjectStructureInconsistentParentMissing = 7

An svn checkout, switch, update or similar operation noticed that the project structure in the subversion repository is inconsistent, because a .svnobj file in a parent node is missing or could not be added. In the current implementation, the subtree will be completely skipped inside the CoDeSys project tree.

ExceptionDuringIndexQuery = 8

During an update or similar operation, the existing parent object did thrown an exception when asked for the index of the to-be added child object.

WorkingSetChanged = 9

Happens when SvnSelectionVerificationHooks change the working set of an operation.

ConflictResolverCalled = 10

A conflict resolver was called.

VersionInfoObjectUpdate = 11

The Svn Version info object was to be updated.

DataSkippedDuringWorkingCopyUnpack = 12

Some unknown or inconsistent data was skipped during unpacking of the working copy.

ErrorDuringProfileParsing = 13

While parsing a profile, an exception happened.

ExceptionDuringObjectModification = 14

The object manager raised an exception when an object was to be modified by the SVN plugin.

ExceptionDuringCollisionHandling = 15

An exception occured during the handling of object name collisions.

InternalError = 16

An internal error (similar to assertion failure).

CannotFetchExternalDuringRevertInOfflineMode = 17

When a revert needs to fetch an external subtree, and we’re in offline mode so we can’t contact the repository.

GuidChangedDueToGuidCollision = 18

When a project was inconsistent during checkout, some objects had its GUIDs changed to resolve the collision.

ErrorDuringAutomaticUnlock = 19

The automatic unlocking of stale locks failed.

ExceptionDuringRepairSynchronization = 20

An exception appeared while trying to synchronize a project to repair inconsistencies.

VerifyingSelection = 21

Trying to verify the selection to ensure consistency between depending objects, using the ``RcsSelectionVerificationHook``s.

event will occur, which already existed before.

ResolvedRevision = 22

Resolved a non-numerical revision (e. G. SvnRevisionType.Head or SvnRevisionType.Time to a revision number.

SkippedDueToTreeConflict = 23

When an update yields a tree conflict, there might be object paths in the working copy that cannot be added to the project. This might happen, e.g. if upstream additions should be added to a node, that has been deleted or moved in the working copy.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnStatusChangeType(value)

Bases: Enum

This enum denotes the type of status change. Some of them can be handled in a special way. This enum may be extended with further members in the future, so you should code in a way that treats unknown change types similar to SvnStatusChangeType.None.

None = 0

Any other status change which is not further specified.

IsWholeProjectOperation = 268435456

Operations which work on the whole project have this flag set.

Checkout = 268435457

The project was checked out from subversion.

Disconnect = 268435458

The project was disconnected from subversion.

Import = 268435459

The project was imported into a subversion repository.

Loaded = 268435460

A versioned project was loaded. Loaded events come with empty Guid lists, as the status of individual objects should not change just by loading an project.

Closed = 268435461

A versioned project was closed. Closed events come with empty Guid lists, as - after the close - no objects exist anyways.

TransactionSync = 6

A ProjectStructure transaction has ended, and we synchronized the changes.

Connect = 268435463

The project has been connected to the subversion repository.

ProfileChanged = 268435464

Happens when the profile of the svn working copy changed. This may lead to status changes on rewritten objects if their binary representtion changes due to the new storage profile.

Disabled = 268435465

Svn Support for a project was disabled (but the meta data was not removed yet).

Update = 16

Some object was updated or switched

Locked = 17

Some objects were locked.

Unlocked = 18

Some objects were unlocked.

ClearAllCaches = 268435475

All caches are to be cleared.

OfflineModeChanged = 268435476

Offline mode has been toggled

Commit = 21

Some object was committed.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictResolutionQueryResult(value)

Bases: Enum

How the conflict

None = 0

No handler did handle that event up to now.

ApplyAll = 1

Apply all automatic resolutions to the project.

Apply = 2

Apply that resolution to the project.

Skip = 3

Skip that resolution and try the next one.

Abort = 4

Abort the resolution process, and leave all other conflicts alone.

class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnSelectionVerificationAction(value)

Bases: Enum

The action for which the selection verification is asked for.

This enum may be extended in the future.

Commit = 1
Revert = 2
IncludeExternals = 3
Update = 4
Resolve = 5
Lock = 6
Unlock = 7
AddToChangeList = 8
RemoveFromChangeList = 9
MarkAsResolved = 10
Add = 11
Remove = 12
class ScriptSvnEnums.SvnConflictResolverType(value)

Bases: Enum

This type is used for the resolver to decide which resolutions to present the user.

InteractiveMerger = 1

Interactive Mergers or single objects which query the user for help.

AutomaticMerger = 2

Automatic mergers which automatically try to merge the differences.

InteractiveStructuralHandler = 3

Interactive mergers which try to handle the structure.

AutomaticStructuralHandler = 4

Automatic mergers for structural handling.