Formatting Commands (Overview)

A reStructuredText document consists of body (or block-level elements) and it can be structured in sections. Sections are indicated by the title style (underlines and optional overlines). Sections contain body elements, subsections, or both. Some body elements contain other elements, such as lists with list items, which can also contain paragraphs and other body elements. Other elements, such as paragraphs, contain text and inline markup elements.


The following information is compiled from the docutils documentation site and the Sphinx documentation site. Many thanks for this wonderful source of information.

Examples of body elements:

  • Paragraphs (and inline markup):

    Paragraphs are separated by blank lines and are left aligned:

    Paragraphs contain text and can include inline markup::
    *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, `interpreted text`, ``inline
    literals``, standalone hyperlinks (,
    external hyperlinks (Python_), internal cross-references
    (example_), footnote references ([1]_), and
    substitution references (|product|).

    Rendered example of above paragraph:

    Paragraphs contain text and can include inline markup: emphasis, strong emphasis, interpreted text, inline literals, standalone hyperlinks (, external hyperlinks (Python), internal cross-references (example), footnote references ([1]) and substitution references (CODESYS).

  • Types of lists:

    1. Bullet lists:

      - This is a bullet list.
      - Bullets can be "*", "+", or "-".
    2. Enumerated lists:

      1. This is an enumerated list.
      2. Enumerators may be arabic numbers, letters, or roman
    3. Definition lists:

          Definition lists associate a term with a definition.
          The term is a one-line phrase, and the definition is one
          or more paragraphs or body elements, indented relative to
          the term.
    4. Field lists:

      :what: Field lists map field names to field bodies, like
             database records. They are often part of an extension
      :how: The field marker is a colon, the field name, and a
            The field body may include one or more body elements,
            indented relative to the field marker.
  • Literal blocks:

    Literal blocks are either indented or line-prefix-quoted blocks,
    and are indicated with a double-colon ("::") at the end of the
    preceding paragraph (right here -->)::
        if literal_block:
            text = 'is left as-is'
            spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
            markup_processing = None

    Sphinx provides the capability of syntax coloring of literal blocks (code)

    .. code-block:: <language>
       This construct introduces a literal block with syntax coloring
       regarding the defined programming language.

    For literal blocks with code snippets written in the CODESYS ST language, it is possible to use:

    .. code-block:: codesys
       /// Attempts to return the value of a boolean property.
       /// :return: ``xValue`` the boolean value of the property
       FUNCTION GetBooleanProperty : BOOL
           stKey: WSTRING;
       /// This structure defines a special profile.
       /// :prefix: fp
          id : INT := -1;
          buffer : WSTRING(255) := "☾ѺÐℰ$ẎS ḯṧ ♥ℯґƴ ¢☺◎ℓ";

    Depending on the current style sheet, the result could look like:

    /// Attempts to return the value of a boolean property.
    /// :return: ``xValue`` the boolean value of the property
    FUNCTION GetBooleanProperty : BOOL
        stKey: WSTRING;
    /// This structure defines a special profile.
    /// :prefix: fp
       id : INT := -1;
       buffer : WSTRING(255) := "☾ѺÐℰ﹩УS ḯṧ ♥ℯґƴ ¢☺◎ℓ";
  • Line Blocks:

    Line blocks are useful where the structure of lines is significant.
    This example illustrates continuation lines:
        | Lend us a couple of bob till Thursday.
        | I'm absolutely skint.
        | But I'm expecting a postal order and I can pay you back
          as soon as it comes.
        | Love, Ewan.
  • Block quotes:

    Block quotes consist of indented body elements:
        This theory, that is mine, is mine.
        -- Anne Elk (Miss)
  • Different syntaxes for tables:

    1. Grid tables are complete, but complex and verbose:

      | Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3 |
      | body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3 |
      | body row 2             | Cells may span        |
    2. Simple tables are easy and compact, but limited:

      ====================  ==========  ==========
      Header row, column 1  Header 2    Header 3
      ====================  ==========  ==========
      body row 1, column 1  column 2    column 3
      body row 2            Cells may span columns
      ====================  ======================
    3. List tables are extravagant:

      .. list-table:: Frozen Delights!
         :widths: 15 10 30
         :header-rows: 1
         * - Treat
           - Quantity
           - Description
         * - Albatross
           - 2.99
           - On a stick!
         * - Crunchy Frog
           - 1.49
           - If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be
             crunchy, now would it?
         * - Gannet Ripple
           - 1.99
           - On a stick!
  • Explicit markup blocks all begin with an explicit block marker, two periods, and a space:

    • Footnotes:

      .. [1] A footnote contains body elements consistently
         indented by at least three spaces.
    • Hyperlink targets:

      .. _Python:
      .. _example:

      The “example” link above points to the target in this paragraph.

      Titles are also targets. For example a implicit reference like Formatting Commands (Overview)

      The Sphinx Package provides some additional options (roles) for hyperlinks (:ref:/:doc:):

      :ref:`label <target>` create links between targets, even in different documents.
      :doc:`label <path>` create links between different documents.
    • Directives:

      .. image:: codesys.jpg

      Will result in this example to this image:

    • Substitution definitions:

      .. |product| replace:: CODESYS
    • Comments:

      .. Comments begin with two dots and one space. Anything can
         follow, except for the syntax of footnotes/citations,
         hyperlink targets, directives, or substitution definitions.

The Markup Specification

The markup language reStructuredText is implemented in the parser of the word processing library “Docutils”. “Sphinx” is a tool for processing technical documentation. It takes advantage of the extensible nature of “reStructuredText” with its many extensions (for example, for automatic documentation generation from source text, displaying mathematical notation, and syntax highlighting). “reStructuredText” primarily consists of Direktives and Interpreted Text Roles. Depending on use, additional constructs (directives and roles) can be supplemented. These Extensions are prepared in the Python programming language. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a comprehensive list of the potential of “reStructuredText” at this point. However, the following references provide you with a solid overview.

CODESYS Specific Formatting Commands

The LibDoc Scripting Collection provides shortcuts to define the following:

  • Links to IEC-61131-3 type definitions

    Library developers can use the substitution reference syntax like |iec-symbol| for referencing the location of the symbol declaration.

    // | Access mode
    // | File modes for opening a file.
    // .. note::
    //    For all ``*_PLUS`` modes, be aware that after being read from a file,
    //    writing can be done only after a call of |SysFileGetPos| or
    //    |SysFileSetPos|. If you called |SysFileWrite| right after |SysFileRead|,
    //    then the file pointer might be on an invalid position.
    //    Correct example::
    //      SysFileRead();
    //      SysFileGetPos();
    //      SysFileWrite();
       AM_READ,       // Open an existing file with Read access. If the file does not exist, Open will fail.
       AM_WRITE,      // Create new file with Write access. If the file does exist, content will be discarded.
       AM_APPEND,     // Open an existing file with Append (write only) access. If file does not exist, Open will fail.
       AM_READ_PLUS,  // Open an existing file with Read/Write access. If the file does not exist, Open will fail.
       AM_WRITE_PLUS, // Create new file with Read/Write access. If the file exists, the content will be discarded.
       AM_APPEND_PLUS // Open an existing file with Append (read/write) access. If the file does not exist, Open will create a new file.
    ) UDINT;
  • Description of a return value

    If a return value of a function needs documentation, it is possible to write the last paragraph of the comment prefixed with the :return: sequence. The LibDoc Scripting Collection will transform this markup into a correct comment for the return value.

    //  Check if end of file is reached
    //  .. note::
    //     End of file is checked only after a read operation with SysFileRead.
    //     However, after a SysFileWrite or SysFileSetPos call, the function
    //     returns ``ERR_FAILED`` (no end of file).
    // :return: Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library):
    //    + ERR_OK: End of file reached at reading beyond the end of the file
    //    + ERR_FAILED: No end of file reached
    //    + ERR_PARAMETER: hFile is invalid
        hFile : RTS_IEC_HANDLE; // Handle of the file
  • Description of the prefix for a data type

    If you want to define and document a specific prefix for an IEC structure, the last line of a comment can be prefixed with the :prefix: sequence. The LibDoc Scripting Collection will transform this markup into a correct reStructuredText element for documenting and indexing the new prefix defined in this way.

    // | File Time
    // | Timestamps of the specified file.
    // :prefix: ft
       tCreation : UDINT;         // Creation time of the file
       tLastAccess : UDINT;       // Time of as access to the file
       tLastModification : UDINT; // Time of last modification
  • Referencing External Files

    For working with external files included in the CODESYS project below the documentation comments, a method was introduced to easily retain the file name and path in the file system.


    Each external file must have a unique name within the current project (for example, “MC_Stop_Timing”). This name can then be referenced in the comments by means of the following construction:

    /// This diagram illustrates the behavior of MC_Stop_SML:
    /// .. image:: @(MC_Stop_Timing) // see note (1)
    /// The example below shows the behavior in combination with |MC_MoveVelocity_SML|.
    /// a)  A rotating axis is ramped down with FB MC_Stop_SML.
    /// b)  The axis rejects motion commands as long as MC_Stop_SML parameter ‘Execute’ = TRUE.
    ///     |MC_MoveVelocity_SML| reports an error indicating the busy `MC_Stop_SML` command.
    /// .. image:: @(MC_Stop_Example) // see note (2)
    1. results to “/../Images/MC_Stop_Timing.png”

    2. results to “/../Images/MC_Stop_Example.png”


    Spaces in Path to Image.

    The image directive can not handle spaces in its path parameter properly. If a external file is located inside a folder its name in the CODESYS project will be part of the path parameter. So it is not possible to use spaces inside this folder name.


    Not possible:

    Common Behaviour Model/Images/SC_ETrig.jpg

